USD$ 614,395

Contribution to entrepreneurship projects.


Beneficiaries to entrepreneurship projects.


Total programs entrepreneurship.

Fondo Vecino (“Neighbor fund”)

This fund contributes to different organizations that implement community projects.

406 applications

Meat Segment

Water infrastructure improvement program for communities

We support 9 rural potable water associations (known as APRs) in the municipal district of San Pedro in the Metropolitan Region. We organize technical support activities for their administrators and operators through training courses focused on water management, electrical skills, plumbing, sanitary facilities, pumps and renewable energy. Furthermore, from Sopraval, we provide funding for initiatives or projects to transform capacities and buy supplies for 15 cooperatives or APRs in 6 municipal districts in the Valparaíso Region, in cooperation with Fundación La Semilla.

26 Executed proyects.

Agricultural circular economy program (PADEC)

We help farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs by contributing treated water and biofertilizer (a natural fertilizer) obtained from the hog manure treatment process, which directly benefits local communities.

In total, we supported 2,143 people.

Wanaku online program

This Soproval-sponsored online program reached thousands of people in Chile and around the world, teaching them textile skills and fostering a virtual learning community.

+15,000 Visualizations in Youtube. 

64 Face-to-face workshops delivered.

Casa Abierta (“open house”)

Sopraval meeting place with the La Ligua community that hosts activities and fosters continuous ties with local organizations. 

550 Total visits in 2021 

USD$21,240 approx. 

Sopraval Entrepreneurial Capital

Initiative developed with AIEP, through the SERCOTEC business Center in Quillota. Through this program, we provide technical knowhow to strengthen local businesses. 

26 Participating business owners 

962 hours Of training 

USD$1,180 Contribution

Entrepreneurial Capital

413 Entrepreneurs

Successfully completed the Entrepreneurial Capital program in 2022.

US$ 164,304

Total contribution 2022.

Main results for entrepreneurs during the first year of participation


Of the entrepreneurs in year 1 completed the Entrepreneurial Capital program.


Of the entrepreneurs strengthened their business


Of the entrepreneurs succeeded in making sales through social networks.


Of the entrepreneurs increased their sales. In the first year of participation

Main results for entrepreneurs during the second year of participation


Of the entrepreneurs in year 2 completed the Entrepreneurial Capital program.


Of the entrepreneurs improved their commercial management


Of the entrepreneurs improved their commercial positioning


Of the entrepreneurs increased their sales in the second year of participation.

Aquaculture Segment

Neighborhood point of sale, Cuenca Cabedaña Lof

This point of sale has been managed by the Cuenca del Cabedaña Lof since 2019. To this end, a commercial company was set up that sells products at a preferential price to the residents of Curarrehue. The profits are being invested in the purchase of a property for a tourism project and distributed among the communities to implement a portfolio of social programs. 

Community training in specialties relating to the AquaChile value chain

Training for community members to improve their employability in the salmon industry: three courses for ROV piloting,  electromechanics, arc welding, and compliance with labor standards and occupational safety.

Smoked salmon snack in conjunction with Jetárkte

With the Kawésqar-owned company Jetárkte, we launched a pilot program for smoked salmon snacks made with salmon produced by our company.

Monitoring of the Llanquihue Lake

In 2021, we installed three oceanographic buoys and six monitoring stations to measure environmental variables to monitor the state of the environment in the lake basin and model different scenarios.

Magallanes commitment

This agreement with the regional government has enabled us to carry out training activities for local suppliers,  add new businesses to our value chain, provide salmon at favorable prices to Kawésqar communities, and implement a scholarship program for members of the Kawésqar community.

Puerto Aysén-Patagonia Tourism Chamber working group

We signed a collaboration agreement to support the installation of visitor centers, training, logistical support, and tourism circuits that include visits to AquaChile facilities.

Participation in the Aysén fjords and channels integrated territorial program

A company representative sits on the board of this CORFO-sponsored program, the aims of which are to strengthen regional supplier participation in the industry’s value chain and address gaps in service provision. We have sponsored business networking events, training sessions, and working groups to increase the number and quality of suppliers in the region.

We are committed to supporting the education and development of school-aged children and youth.

USD$ 1,944,726

Contribution to educational social programs


beneficiaries of education projects


schools Participants in projects education

Los Cipreses school

In 2002, Fundación Agrosuper founded this school in Lo Miranda community, offering an excellent education free of charge to more than 1,000 students.

1st Place

in the O´Higgins Region and among the 16 best nationally In the subsidized private schools segment

Meat Segment

Scholarships program

For children and young people in the communities where we operate.

Familias Power

Through this Sopraval program, we support the education of children in preschool by providing skill-based and developmental tools.

Educating through games and sports program 2021


Children and young people


Municipal districts


Sports sessions

Neighborhood Program 2021


Children and young people


Municipal districts


Actual hours of physical activity

Methodology Transfer Program


Teachers trained


Municipal districts


Of the teachers participated actively

Aquaculture Segment

AquaChile Scholarship, Melinka Municipality

With Guaitecas Municipality we designed and implemented a higher education scholarship model. It is focused on alleviating logistical and economic challenges students face when studying away from Melinka.
In the first edition of this program, 17 Students were selected who received US$590 A week for living costs

Kawésqar excellence scholarships 

We launched this new program in 2021 under the Compromiso Magallanes banner. Aquaculture Segment With a contribution of US$8,260, we supported 28 outstanding primary, secondary, and higher education students from Kawésqar communities

We want our contributions to local communities to be comprehensive. For this reason, one of our educational programs focuses on the importance of healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle.

USD$ 199,065

Contribution to healthy lifestyle projects.


Beneficiaries of healthy lifestyle projects.


Total organizations benefited.

Super Sano

This program aims to help form healthy lifestyle habits among 1st to 4th grade children, strengthening their responsibility for and awareness of self-care and self-regulation through healthy eating and physical activity in an interactive, entertaining learning program.


Children benefited


Educational establishments


Municipal districts where the program was implemented

Meat Segment

Activamente program

This Sopraval initiative sought to improve the physical and mental health of seniors through online social networking. As the program progressed, in-person sessions were also added.

Aquaculture Segment

AquaChile Quellón soccer school

After activities were suspended for a year and a half due to Covid-19, this community soccer club reopened.

30 boys and girls participated in its activities


In 2021 we continued supporting neighboring communities as they dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, donating infrastructure, equipment, and products and making our AquaChile lab available for PCR testing.

US$ 24,799

Food Boxes

US$ 12,149

Meat Segment

US$ 12,649

Aquaculture Segment

US$  57,163

Health equipment and infrastructure

US$ 40,716

Meat Segment

US$ 16,447

Aquaculture Segment

US$ 119,324


US$ 110,934

Meat Segment

US$ 8,390

Aquaculture Segment

US$ 5,948


Other forms of support Aquaculture Segment





US$ 778.139



(Español) Buscamos contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida de los vecinos de comunidades rurales donde estamos presentes, mediante la capacitación y el financiamiento de proyectos que entreguen soluciones hídricas.

En 2022 realizamos dos llamados para participar de este fondo concursable, uno en la Zona Costa y otro en Valle Central, beneficiando a localidades como Pilaycito en Mostazal y Chancón en Rancagua



vecinos beneficiados









Servicios Sanitarios Rurales beneficiados

(Español) Segmento Carnes

Programa Agrícola de Economía Circular

(Español) Entregamos bioabono, fertilizante natural que se obtiene a partir del tratamiento de purines de cerdo, a pequeños agricultores de las zonas en donde estamos presentes.

Principales resultados 2022:

  • 1.039 personas beneficiadas.

Plan de Fortalecimiento APR Sopraval

(Español) En apoyo a las organizaciones que administran el Agua Potable Rural, contribuimos con la puesta en marcha de proyectos de mejoramiento de instalaciones y operaciones de cada organización.


  • Más de 30 mil usuarios.
  • 26 proyectos ejecutados

Recuperación de Espacios Públicos

(Español) Apuntamos a mejorar y reactivar aquellas áreas en desuso, ubicadas en nuestras comunas vecinas dando vida a lugares de uso común.


  • Más de 4.000 beneficiados.
  • 4 proyectos ejecutados.

(Español) Segmento Acuícola

Apoyo proyecto agrícola cooperativa Codinhue Bajo

(Español) Buscando consolidar el proyecto de cultivo de 7.000 plantas de frambuesas, aportamos materiales que permitieron construir el cierre perimetral del predio agrícola de dicha cooperativa.

Planzas en desuso para la elaboración de corrales en área rural de Puerto Cisnes

(Español) Entregamos planzas a diversas áreas rurales de Puerto Cisnes, las que son utilizadas por los vecinos para poder elaborar o mejorar los corrales para sus animales.

Convenio de colaboración con Inacap

(Español) Con esta iniciativa buscamos avanzar en el fortalecimiento de la educación técnico profesional y en la formación de capital humano especializado en la Región de Aysén