Gross emission value in tons of CO2 equivalent (CO₂E)

For the fourth consecutive year, we measured our CO2 emissions in order to manage our production process and establish long-term mitigation plans. The result was 285,760 Ton CO2 eq of direct emissions (Scope 1), 126,016 Ton CO2 eq of indirect emissions from energy (Scope 2), and 1,350,420 Ton CO2 eq of Scope 3 emissions.

For the fourth year, we measured our carbon footprint.

Verlasso salmon production is carbon neutral

We fully measured Verlasso's carbon footprint using the product's Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). This allowed us to reduce emissions by implementing initiatives in different areas of the production process. Thus, as of April 2022, the production of our ultra-premium brand became carbon neutral.

Switch from coal-fired to natural gas boiler

At our Feed Plant in Lo Miranda, we exchanged second last coal-fired boiler producing 9.75 ton/steam/hour- with and a nominal installed potential of 151 kW- for a higher - effi - ciency natural - gas fired boiler (13 ton/steam/hour) with an estimated potential of 39 kW, mainly fueled by natural gas