Gross emission value in tons of CO2 equivalent (CO₂E)

For the fourth consecutive year, we measured our CO2 emissions in order to manage our production process and establish long-term mitigation plans. The result was 285,760 Ton CO2 eq of direct emissions (Scope 1), 126,016 Ton CO2 eq of indirect emissions from energy (Scope 2), and 1,350,420 Ton CO2 eq of Scope 3 emissions.

For the fifth year, we measured our carbon footprint.

Eliminating coal from our energy matrix

In May 2023, we ended the use of coal in our energy matrix, eliminating the last coal-fired boiler, located at the Lo Miranda Plant. In its place, we installed a high-efficiency boiler that uses natural gas, which reduced CO2 emissions and, at the same time, reduced the number of trips made by trucks transporting this fuel.

Increase of Smart M Platform monitoring stations

This system allow us to monitor critical processes through remote viewing of electricity and diesel consumption at the sea centers, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.