2022 MILESTONES Meat Segment

Industrial facilities:
• We reuse treated water in external
• We automated the washing of
conveyor belts at the industrial level.
• We used an automated system for
evaporative condenser blowdowns
in the engine room.

Activated sludge plant

Treated water from the activated
sludge plants is reused by neighboring
communities to irrigate their crops in the
coastal drylands.

2022 MILESTONES Aquaculture Segment

Faucet opening automation
We incorporate sensors for automated
faucet opening.

Program to improve the
channeling and treatment of
We performed maintenance and
improvements to the Liquid Industrial
Waste (LIW) piping and treatment system.

Installation of mediumpressure system for cleaning
at the plant.
We implemented a medium-pressure
system for the water used in cleaning,
which allowed us to reduce the use of
this resource by 75%.

Water efficiency in industrial
We attained 100% of the target we set
in 2022 to match or decrease water

