USD$ 614,395

Contribution to entrepreneurship projects.


Beneficiaries to entrepreneurship projects.


Total programs entrepreneurship.

Fondo Vecino (“Neighbor fund”)

This fund contributes to different organizations that implement community projects.

406 applications

Meat Segment

Water infrastructure improvement program for communities

We support 9 rural potable water associations (known as APRs) in the municipal district of San Pedro in the Metropolitan Region. We organize technical support activities for their administrators and operators through training courses focused on water management, electrical skills, plumbing, sanitary facilities, pumps and renewable energy. Furthermore, from Sopraval, we provide funding for initiatives or projects to transform capacities and buy supplies for 15 cooperatives or APRs in 6 municipal districts in the Valparaíso Region, in cooperation with Fundación La Semilla.

26 Executed proyects.

Agricultural circular economy program (PADEC)

We help farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs by contributing treated water and biofertilizer (a natural fertilizer) obtained from the hog manure treatment process, which directly benefits local communities.

In total, we supported 2,143 people.

Wanaku online program

This Soproval-sponsored online program reached thousands of people in Chile and around the world, teaching them textile skills and fostering a virtual learning community.

+15,000 Visualizations in Youtube. 

64 Face-to-face workshops delivered.

Aquaculture Segment

Neighborhood point of sale, Cuenca Cabedaña Lof

This point of sale has been managed by the Cuenca del Cabedaña Lof since 2019. To this end, a commercial company was set up that sells products at a preferential price to the residents of Curarrehue. The profits are being invested in the purchase of a property for a tourism project and distributed among the communities to implement a portfolio of social programs. 

Community training in specialties relating to the AquaChile value chain

Training for community members to improve their employability in the salmon industry: three courses for ROV piloting,  electromechanics, arc welding, and compliance with labor standards and occupational safety.

Smoked salmon snack in conjunction with Jetárkte

With the Kawésqar-owned company Jetárkte, we launched a pilot program for smoked salmon snacks made with salmon produced by our company.

Monitoring of the Llanquihue Lake

In 2021, we installed three oceanographic buoys and six monitoring stations to measure environmental variables to monitor the state of the environment in the lake basin and model different scenarios.

We are committed to supporting the education and development of school-aged children and youth.

USD$ 1,944,726

Contribution to educational social programs


beneficiaries of education projects


schools Participants in projects education

Los Cipreses school

In 2002, Fundación Agrosuper founded this school in Lo Miranda community, offering an excellent education free of charge to more than 1,000 students.

1st Place

in the O´Higgins Region and among the 16 best nationally In the subsidized private schools segment

Meat Segment

Scholarships program

For children and young people in the communities where we operate.

Familias Power

Through this Sopraval program, we support the education of children in preschool by providing skill-based and developmental tools.







Methodology Transfer Program


Teachers trained


Municipal districts


Of the teachers participated actively

Aquaculture Segment

AquaChile Scholarship, Melinka Municipality

With Guaitecas Municipality we designed and implemented a higher education scholarship model. It is focused on alleviating logistical and economic challenges students face when studying away from Melinka.
In the first edition of this program, 17 Students were selected who received US$590 A week for living costs

Kawésqar excellence scholarships 

We launched this new program in 2021 under the Compromiso Magallanes banner. Aquaculture Segment With a contribution of US$8,260, we supported 28 outstanding primary, secondary, and higher education students from Kawésqar communities

(Español) Tren Ecológico


Con el fin de impulsar la economía circular, trabajamos en conjunto con la empresa local Reciclajes Martino para que alumnos de las escuelas de Puerto Aysén y Puerto Chacabuco reciclen residuos provenientes de sus casas para ser recolectados por el conocido “Tren Ecológico”.

US$ 20.520 inversión 2023.

6.000 beneficiados.

24 organizaciones beneficiadas.


We want our contributions to local communities to be comprehensive. For this reason, one of our educational programs focuses on the importance of healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle.

USD$ 199,065

Contribution to healthy lifestyle projects.


Beneficiaries of healthy lifestyle projects.


Total organizations benefited.

Super Sano

This program aims to help form healthy lifestyle habits among 1st to 4th grade children, strengthening their responsibility for and awareness of self-care and self-regulation through healthy eating and physical activity in an interactive, entertaining learning program.


Children benefited


Educational establishments


Municipal districts where the program was implemented

Meat Segment

Activamente program

This Sopraval initiative sought to improve the physical and mental health of seniors through online social networking. As the program progressed, in-person sessions were also added.

Aquaculture Segment

AquaChile Quellón soccer school

After activities were suspended for a year and a half due to Covid-19, this community soccer club reopened.

30 boys and girls participated in its activities





US$ 778.139


(Español) Impulsa Agua- Segmento Carnes

(Español) Fondo concursable que busca brindar soluciones hídricas a vecinos de comunidades rurales. Lo anterior, a través de la implementación de mejoras en la operación de los Servicios Sanitarios Rurales (SSR) y capacitaciones para su administración, permitiéndonos asegurar la calidad, cantidad y continuidad del agua. En alianza con Fundación Amulén.



US$ 205.613

inversión 2023.






Servicios Sanitarios Rurales (SSR) mejorados.

(Español) Segmento Carnes

Programa Agrícola de Economía Circular

(Español) Inauguración pozo proyecto hídrico San Pedro Sur

Aportamos a la construcción de un pozo en el sector de Corneche para el proyecto San Pedro Sur, iniciativa que permitirá abastecer de agua potable a cinco servicios sanitarios rurales de la comuna de San Pedro.

US$ 74.100 de inversión.

Plan de Fortalecimiento APR Sopraval

(Español) A través de la postulación a fondos concursables, las comunidades vecinas pueden acceder a mejorar la infraestructura de su entorno y recuperar espacios comunes en desuso. En alianza con Fundación La Semilla.

US$ 29.640 inversión 2023.
7.500 beneficiados
7 organizaciones beneficiadas.

Recuperación de Espacios Públicos

(Español) Colaboramos con la agricultura local a través de la entrega de bioabono, un mejorador de suelos de gran aporte nutricional, elaborado a partir del tratamiento de purines de cerdo, que permite aumentar los rendimientos productivos de los cultivos de nuestros vecinos. En alianza con Municipalidad de San Pedro, Las Cabras y La Estrella; y el Programa de Desarrollo Local de Indap.

(Español) Segmento Acuícola

Apoyo proyecto agrícola cooperativa Codinhue Bajo

(Español) Por medio de este programa, entregamos financiamiento de hasta US$ 1.140 a todas las organizaciones sociales que quieran llevar adelante iniciativas comunitarias asociadas a temas de sustentabilidad, vida saludable, equipamiento e infraestructura, entre otros.

US$ 44.253 inversión 2023.
9.338 beneficiados.
460 postulaciones.
36 proyectos ganadores.

Planzas en desuso para la elaboración de corrales en área rural de Puerto Cisnes

(Español) Junto a la Municipalidad de Puerto Varas abrimos a la comunidad local la primera etapa del nuevo Parque Educativo Río Maullín, ubicado en el Santuario de la Naturaleza del Río Maullín. Esta área incluye arreglos en parte de la ribera, con espacios habilitados para realizar actividades de pesca, observación y paseos por la naturaleza.

US$ 18.878 inversión 2023.
3.290 beneficiados.
20 organizaciones beneficiadas.

Convenio de colaboración con Inacap

(Español) Instalamos una antena Starlink para dar acceso público y gratuito a internet de alta velocidad a la localidad de Puerto Edén, Región de Magallanes. Esta acción se enmarca en nuestro proyecto de “iluminar” zonas remotas, otorgando conectividad de calidad a comunidades que hasta ahora se encontraban aisladas.

Localidades beneficiadas
Melimoyu – Cisnes.
Puerto Gala – Cisnes.
Puerto Aguirre – Aysén.
Repollal – Melinka.
Puerto Edén – Natales.