We are on a Journey To Better

We know what our goal is: to provide the highest quality proteins for people all around the world. This is what we want and what we work to achieve every single day.
We also know that there are many ways to reach this goal, and we have chosen to stay on the best possible path, while creating a positive impact in the world.
This is a journey we decided to go on many years ago and that we will continue to travel along. It is a journey that never ends, because it can always go further.


For more than 50 years, we have worked to to transform our business, always improving and moving towards our goal for a more sustainable future.
Our main objective? To grow responsibly, generating a positive change:

  • For Our Planet
  • For Our Communities
  • For The Wellbeing of People

And we are not alone! This is why we have decided to actively uphold the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) established by the United Nations.

We want you to learn more about our most important projects! 

Now you can see where they fall under our three sustainability pillars and how they align with specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

For Our Planet

Our planet is our home and our production is aimed towards reducing our impact and helping wherever we can.

    • 1st
      agroindustrial business to emit emission reduction certifications
    • 45%
      of energy come from renewable sources
    • USMM$83+
      invested in environmental contributions

Committed to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

  • Clean water & sanitation
  • Responsible consumption & production
  • Climate action

Take a look at our highlighted projects and their amazing results!


    • Organic waste from our animals is delivered to farmers to be used as biofertilizer
    • 1500
      farmers benefit from biofertilizer donation
    • 17400+
      hectares fertilized
    • 1000000M3
      volume of biofertilizer produced